Dairy Farm Consulting

Herd Health Consultancy is a Dutch consultancy firm that specialises in consultancy for dairy farm owners that want to develop from traditional low productive, low quality milk production to high production, high quality milk production.

Why choose us?

Long term project planning and execution

Economic result driven solutions

Knowledge and skills transfer

One consultant for planning, designing and operating

Consultancy is available for all phases of the development

  • Calculation of the economic parameters that determine the financial outcome of the farm. The page Farm Economics deals with this in more detail.
  • Complete or partial design of new-built or renovated farm premises. The page Farm Design deals with this in more detail.
  • Choice of feedstuffs, choice of feeding system, calculation of feed rations. The page Feeding deals with this in more detail.
  • Choice of management system, optimising cow performance. The page Farm Management deals with this in more detail.
  • Choice of cows, breeding of cows. The page Cows deals with this in more detail.
  • Health management in cows, detection and treatment of management / housing / feeding related cow diseases, treatment of cow problems.  The page Animal Health deals with this in more detail.

Information on fees and how to contact us can be found on pages Contact and Fees.

Herd Health Consultancy

Herd Health Consultancy is a Dutch consultancy firm that specialises in consultancy for dairy farm owners.

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