Barn climate conditions
The climate conditions in the barn that influence the technical results are the temperature and the humidity.
In Russian climatic conditions it is most difficult to keep the humidity within limits in the winter and to keep the temperature within limits in the summer. To stay within optimal limits is only achievable in an insulated stable that is fitted with outside yards.
Herd Health Consultancy has a computer simulation study, of which the results have been confirmed in actually built barns, to support this claim.
Of course it is possible to operate a barn without insulation or an outside yard. In that case however you need to adjust the expected technical results. Both the cows and the buildings will not last as long. This severely compromises the economical outcome of a dairy farm.
Herd Health Consultancy has a simple Ventilation settings calculator that can help you to find the optimal settings for your stable ventilation openings during wintertime.
If you are interested to find out more on this subject, don’t hesitate to contact us or leave your contact details and we will contact you.
Herd Health Consultancy
Herd Health Consultancy is a Dutch consultancy firm that specialises in consultancy for dairy farm owners.