Выращивание телят
Young calves have typical age related health problems. The first two weeks of their lives the main health threat is diarrhoea. The next two months they start to be plagued by respiratorial problems that seem to last forever .
Though vaccination programmes can bring some relief, in general it is not possible to eradicate these problems without creating:
• the correct management procedures,
• housing facilities that enable the management procedures,
• correct feeding.
We can consult farm staff and personnel on calf management procedures to lower calf health problems in your situation.
We offer integrated housing, feeding and management systems that decrease health problems in calves in your herd. We also offer consultation to upgrade your existing housing, feeding and management systems to reduce the occurrence of health problems in calves in your herd.
If you want to know more on this subject, don’t hesitate to свяжитесь с нами или оставьте свои контактные данные, и мы свяжемся с вами.
Herd Health Consultancy
Herd Health Consultancy is a Dutch consultancy firm that specialises in consultancy for dairy farm owners.