Пищеварительные расстройства
Digestive tract disorders in cows can be caused by infectious, contagious agents or by feeding. The infectious, contagious agents should be dealt with by veterinary management procedures. Feeding related problems can be caused by feeding bad quality feedstuffs, for instance moulded feedstuffs, or by feeding unbalanced rations. Unbalanced rations can cause diarrhoea and abomasal displacement.
We can consult farm staff and personel how to diagnose digestive tract disorders and how to calculate, prepare and feed balanced TMR rations.
We offer integrated housing, feeding and management systems that minimise digestive system disorders in your cows. We also offer consultation to upgrade your existing housing, feeding and management systems to reduce the occurrence of digestive system disorders in your herd.
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Herd Health Consultancy
Herd Health Consultancy is a Dutch consultancy firm that specialises in consultancy for dairy farm owners.